Green Metering, Switzerland is an aca-related company specializing in the development and promotion of precise measurement solutions based on optical transformer technologies. Do you want to be on the cutting-edge of smart grids and digital substation developments? Then talk to aca about Green Metering.
We offer:
Green Metering offers unique fiber-optic instrument transformers designed to accurately measure current and voltage. These serve as a modern alternative to traditional electromagnetic transformers. Our goal is to create the digital informational base for smart grids and provide a single source of data truth for power meters, control mechanisms, and protective devices within each digital substation, ensuring full compliance with the IEC 61850 standard.
Our products are used across a wide spectrum of the electrical power sector, including electrical grids, power generation facilities, and energy-intensive manufacturing units.
With Green Metering’s technology, measurement accuracy can be significantly improved, and the way paved for fully digital signal processing. Finally, our incorporation of optical technologies in the realms of relay protection and automation paves the way for swifter and more precise operations within these systems.